frequency band signals

Using this algorithm , low frequency band signals , which include pitch information , can be precisely separated from noisy speech signal , and the pitch 's saltation can also be corrected .
Using wavelet package transform ( WPT ) constructed on the basis of wavelet transform , the frequency band of signals can be uniformly divided and the signal features in time domain and frequency domain can be better extracted , so WPT possesses better performance for harmonic analysis .
So the targets we want to detect are belonged to low frequency and wide band signals .
Bandstop filter is also commonly used in anti-jamming equipment to prevent interference within a frequency band and noise signals .
The wavelet analysis can effectively pick out each kind of noise and distinguish the characteristic frequency band of AE signals from rolling bearing .
Secondly , through wavelet packet analysis , the bearing vibration signals are decomposed into a series of time-domain signals , each of which covers a specific octave frequency band . The signals covering the high-frequency resonance frequency-band are automatically extracted and reconstructed .
Real-time frequency and 2D angle estimation of wide frequency band signals with uniform circular arrays
Frequency Angle 2D Angle Estimation of Wide Frequency Band Signals with Sub Nyquist Spatio temporal Sampling
The fault feature frequency values and their frequency spectrum were extracted to obtain the feature in the fault frequency band of wavelet decomposition signals via Hilbert envelope spectrum .